I am some bunny!

I am some bunny!
my mom and I have something to say...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jesus Christ loves you!

This is the very first blog I started and hope to continue.

I didn't read my bible YET, today. I was working on making this. BUT I will read it after this.

My desire is to read the Holy Bible as many times as possible, so that if it is ever taken from me I have his word hidden in my heart.

I am on the 60 day plan. I have 60 CD'S and I read along while I listen to it. That will make it 6 times in a year, WOW!

This all started when my friends Katy and Jon started this to do and has encouraged everyone to do this also. They are on the 90 day plan.

There is also a 30 day plan. HERE are the links to the different schedules...




I hope to encourage you also... talk later...


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